🚀First Launch

Welcome to the Get Games platform! Here you will find everything you need to start earning rewards by completing tasks and playing our games. Let's begin by getting acquainted with the main features of our app and earning your first reward.

  1. Open the Get Games bot chat in Telegram

To start interacting with the platform, you need to open a chat with the Get Games bot in Telegram - click to proceed. This will be your main interface for accessing all features and games.

  1. Click on the "Claim 100 GG" button

After opening the bot, you will see the "Claim 100 GG" button. Click on it to receive your first coins.

Additional Information

  • You can claim the 100 GG reward every 6 hours. Remember to return to the bot regularly to maximize your earnings.

  • On the bot's main page, you can choose your preferred interface language. This will help you customize the app to your needs and make interacting with the platform more comfortable.

Last updated